Project History

The Allison Corridor from NM 118 to Maloney Avenue (Allison Corridor/Project) in McKinley County, New Mexico (New Mexico Department of Transportation [NMDOT] Control Numbers 6101371, 6101372, 6101373, 6101374, and 6101375) is sponsored by the NMDOT in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. The current Project is a multi-phase undertaking consisting of the reconstruction and extension of the Allison Road corridor from NM 118 to Kachina Road. The Project is a continuation of previous studies: the Phase A Initial Evaluation of Alternatives: Allison Road Corridor and Interstate 40 Interchange Study (Link), the Phase B Detailed Evaluation of Alternatives (Link), and the project Environmental Assessment (EA) (Link), which were conducted between 2010 and 2013 in accordance with the NMDOT’s Location Study Procedures. In the process of preparing these studies, extensive analysis and public involvement was conducted resulting in the selection of the following six project phases:

  • Phase 1 – Replacement of the Existing Rio Puerco Bridge.
  • Phase 2 – Bridge over the BNSF Railway Tracks and NM 118/Old Route 66.
  • Phase 3 – Construction of an Overpass with I-40.
  • Phase 4 – Allison Road Connection Between Acoma Street and Maloney Avenue.
  • Phase 5 – Allison Road Connection to Kachina Road.
  • Phase 6 – Construction of an Interchange with Allison Road and I-40.

Since the approval of the Phase A and Phase B reports and EA, implementation of the above phases has proceeded. In 2016, an environmental reevaluation and the design for Phase 1, the replacement of the existing Rio Puerco Bridge, were completed and the bridge was subsequently constructed in 2018. The current Project is a continuation of the overall project and consists of the following phases, which have been renamed “Parts” (Phasing Figure).

  • Part A – Bridge over the BSNF Railway and NM 118 
  • Part B – I-40 Overpass
  • Part C – Allison Road Connection to Acoma Street and Maloney Avenue
  • Part D – Allison Road Connection to Kachina Road
  • Part E – Construction of an Interchange at Allison Road/I-40

The current Project consists of environmental documentation, right-of-way mapping and acquisition, and design services for Parts A through D, and construction of Part A. Part E is not part of the current Project since an interchange is not warranted within 20 years, but it is included in the long-term planning for the corridor. The alignment and design concepts are based on the previous Phase A and B Reports. The EA will be re-evaluated in light of the more detailed right-of-way and design information. Public involvement and consideration of the community context are fundamental components of the Location Study Procedures – the policy document followed by the NMDOT to comply with federal transportation planning and environmental regulations. Consequently, with the more detailed Project engineering, additional public involvement opportunities will be afforded to provide Project updates and solicit input on specific design features.

Study Team Participants

new mexico department of transportation
USDOT Federal Highway Admin

The Study Team is being led by the NMDOT in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration, with the following key representatives.

NMDOT District 6 Office–Arif Kazmi, Assistant District Engineer, [email protected] 

NMDOT Environmental Bureau-Steven Gisler, Environmental Analyst, [email protected]

Bohannan Huston

Bohannan Huston, Inc. is the principal engineering consultant for the Study.

Bohannan Huston, Inc.–Jeanette Walther, Senior Project Manager, [email protected]


Ecosphere Environmental Services, Inc. will provide environmental investigations and coordinate public involvement.

Ecosphere Environmental Services, Inc.–John Taschek, Environmental Coordinator, [email protected]

Horrocks Engineers will provide subsurface utility investigations.

Wood PCL will provide geotechnical investigations.

Felsburg Holt and Ullevig will provide railroad coordination

Mckinley County New Mexico
City of Gallup

The City of Gallup and McKinley County are participating agencies on the Project Team.